Drama, a stellar cast, phenomenal guest stars and most of all…music. Everything mentioned best describes…
Jennifer Hudson
Since her uncompromising arrival onto the global hip-hop scene in 2011 Australia’s leading rap export…
[youtube id=”UGLx4zzMdRA” width=”620″ height=”360″] Stephanie Ochonawww.renownedforsound.com
Gorgon City have been making people dance ever since they formed back in early 2012. The…
American starlet Jennifer Hudson has the best of both worlds; as an actress she has…
Grammy and Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson is set to release her third studio album…
[youtube id=”mykXoDnFKlU” width=”620″ height=”360″] Stephanie Ochonawww.renownedforsound.com
The amazingly talented troubadour that is Jennifer Hudson is back with a brand new single….
After a busy few years that have included acting gigs and live performances, Jennifer Hudson…
[youtube id=”fY2PXJHsXno” width=”620″ height=”360″] Brendon Veevers::: RenownedForSound.com’s Editor and Founder – Interviewing and reviewing the…