Have you watched our video interview with @boyzlifeOFCL ? Here’s what members @officialkeith and @brianmcfadden had to tell us about new album Old School and the pressures of rerecording pop greats! @boyzlifetour
Boyzone have been around for ages haven’t they? For anyone that recalls their embarrassing dance…
(AUS) Boyzone continue their career renaissance following on from last year’s 250,000 selling anniversary collection…
[youtube id=”Zr3fNeTiFPU” width=”620″ height=”360″] Stephanie Ochonawww.renownedforsound.com
You would be forgiven for thinking that Irish boy band Boyzone were a thing of…
[youtube id=”AOAVLgsOWgQ” width=”620″ height=”360″] Brendon Veevers::: RenownedForSound.com’s Editor and Founder – Interviewing and reviewing the…
Boy bands come, and boy bands go. They are one form of music group that…
Has it really been 20 years? That’s the amount of time since Boyzone first graced…
[youtube id=”qRdfS2KMtPE” width=”620″ height=”360″] Brendon Veevers::: RenownedForSound.com’s Editor and Founder – Interviewing and reviewing the…