Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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Single Review: David Gray – Back in the World

1 min read

David Gray is back after four long years! Back in the World is the first single to be lifted from his new album Mutineers which is due for release in June this year. A delicate tune that is both beautifully relaxing and empowering it is a tale of recovery and life-acceptance.

David Gray Back In The WorldBordering on country with hints of vocal-twang this track could be categorised as indie-folk, beginning with a repetitive guitar strum and electronic keyboard like beat – yes from that description it is hard to place it neatly within a genre; you’ll just need to take a listen!

The track builds as it goes and you feel the smile emerge on your face as the minutes tick by. Gray offers a nice tonal experience, his intriguing voice complimenting the musical journey however the lyrics can at times be a bit repetitive and this does detract from the song.

Overall, Back in the World is a decent addition to his discography, and for those fans out there it’ll leave you in anticipation for the album.