Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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Single Review: Muse – ‘Dead Inside’

2 min read

Swimming in a sea of disparity, chaos and humility, Muse’s tailored epic melodies and raucous rock sound has led them to being one of the prime survivors of 90s indie, and progress to one of the rock bands to see before you die. With new album Drones nearing release, new single Dead Inside see’s Matt et al in contemplative but destructive mood, and whetting your appetite for what’s to come.

muse dead insideWhat Dead Inside does well, is what their classic track Uprising did before it: create something sounding like others but distinctly Muse. It’s a trick the band has become accomplished at performing, and for lesser musicians would be tough to do without distracting from themselves. Prince, Daft Punk and Bowie all have their influences on this single, with Matt’s vocals stirring the mix with his token wails and forlornness.

Distorted guitar solos, signature fuzzy bass and surprisingly funky beats and sounds all play a part to make this an interesting lead into Drones, which makes the build up to its release feel more like a concept with every listen of this superb single. Nearing the end, the track settles into an indie comfort zone, treating us to rhythmic guitar layers, as Bellamy throws out lyrics off pain and distain: ‘I gave you everything, I can’t give you anymore’. You can’t help but feel mesmerized by the sudden stops and clever hooks the track throws about.

Dead Inside feels like a build up to something big. With this in mind, their new album could be something special, so lets hope the Muse boys keep up with their current form and give the world a new album to salivate over.