Single Review: Diesel & Tim Chaisson – ‘Last Shower’
2 min read
The first thing you’ll notice with Last Shower, the first single from Diesel’s new EP Let it Fly, is that it combines the best elements of Chaisson’s voice and Diesel’s musicality to make for a unique collaboration. The song has a western tinge to it, but is firmly rooted in acoustic rock stylings. It’s easy to listen to, and catchy enough that you’ll want to listen to it again.
While the melodies used in Last Shower are as classic as they come, the song itself only came together because of technology. After meeting in Australia, Diesel and Chaisson worked through the winter of 2013 putting this track together via conversations on Skype. Although the two were worlds apart in making the song come to life, there is no evidence of disconnect whatsoever.
It’s true that the music here could be deemed as generic, but the individual talents of the two singers are on display and make up for any shortcomings. Chaisson and Diesel both have impressive voices, and the harmonies on Last Shower make this perfectly known.
Ultimately, Last Shower is an example of different worlds colliding. Australian icon Diesel and Canada’s Chaisson have effectively bridged the large gap between the two countries, and have done so in just three and a half minutes. Last Shower is a fun song, and allows the two singers to show off their skills while creating something wholly cohesive. One can only hope that this friendship between the two musicians will lead to even more collaborations in the future.
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