Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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Single Review: Diana Vickers – ‘Cinderella’

2 min read

So, Diana Vickers… remember her? The name should ring a few bells in the heads of many a reader, at least UK side. The 21 year old singer first rose to fame (infamy? The Claw!) in series five of the UK incarnation of The X Factor, with her signiature breathy voice and quirky delivery quickly garnering her both acclaim and hate via the internet.

Diana Vickers cinderella coverHowever, three years have passed since the release of Vickers’ debut album, Songs From The Tainted Cherry Tree, which spawned the massive UK number 1, Once (oh, and there was almost a lawsuit issued by Warner Music Group for the uncanny likeness between the Red Hot Chilli Peppers’ song Under The Bridge, and Vickers’ My Wicked Heart, but less of that). Brushing all that aside, three years can be a long time in popland, and with a recent acting stint in The Perfect Wave, can the singer still string together a tune?

Of course the answer is yes, and her latest single, Cinderella, is surprisingly top-notch. Her formerly emphasisied ‘kookiness’ appears to have been ironed out and developed into a more commercial and sophisticated electro-pop sound. You would not expect it to work with Vicker’s voice, the sort that would suit a good folk song – but it does – spectacularly! The chorus is a killer, carrying the refrain ‘For you I would lose both of my shoes!’ that manages to latch resolutely onto your brain, before you find yourself whisked away by the beat of this glittering summer anthem.

Diana Vickers is back at the ball!