Film Review – American Hustle
2 min read
The media buzz circulating around American Hustle has been very quickly building momentum over these past few weeks. I can safely assure you that it hasn’t all been for nothing. David O. Russell’s latest feature certainly delivers the goods, having already showcased his directing talents with critically acclaimed films such as The Fighter and Silver Lining’s Playbook. This well structured and narrative powerhouse story of a conman working for the FBI in 1970’s New York is yet another to add to his impressive resume.
Where American Hustle succeeds is in how it creates a living and breathing New York cityscape for the characters to interact in. From the interior set designs, to costuming, to the backdrop of Manhattan alongside the 70’s iconic tunes that are dotted throughout the film. Each of these elements aid the story, for which is the most visually appealing aspect of American Hustle.
As the story unfolds it has an irresistible and slick charm in drawing your attention. The deeper the characters plunge into unknown and risky territory, we as the audience feel just as exposed, but also equally as determined to reach the end with them. The clever elements of the script, in not only fleshing out the characters, but also intertwining humour with an edginess to certain situations makes the entire experience of American Hustle feel fresh and remarkable to watch.
This film will generate a vast amount of box office success due to the cast involved alone, particularly with the increasing popularity of Jennifer Lawrence and her blooming acting career. Thankfully though, it is not a film that baseds its success on acting talent alone. With a surprising and enthralling narrative, strong and developed characters with just as equally outstanding actors to portray them, a (forgive me) groovy soundtrack, and a creative and experienced eye behind the lens, American Hustle is easily the dark horse leading up to awards season.
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