Album Review: Semi Precious Weapons – Aviation
2 min read
New York glam garage/rock band Semi Precious Weapons were formed eight years ago, memorably their first album We Love You was funded alone by lead singer Justin Tranter’s jewellery sales from his own line Fetty; it’s not exactly the kind of story you would hear every day about the establishment of a band’s career. Since signing to label after label (currently settling with RedZone Records), the boys are set to release album number three; Aviation. There was a lot of speculation in the lead up to the release in terms of when fans were actually going to get their hands on the new record. After numerous delays Aviation is out now and let’s hope it was definitely worth hanging for.
Aviation High opens the album with the typical kind of mainstream radio sound, with a chorus easy to sing along to and simple drum beats and structure; it is catchy, so it’s not at all a bad introduction into the album. Look To The Stars is another catchy number, but at times comes across as overproduced, especially when it comes to the final sound of the vocals. Track number three Drink is alcohol’s answer to trying to get somebody out of your mind whereas Never Going Home demonstrates a different element to the current sound of the album. Screams To The Sky returns to the tame band we heard earlier, an ode to best friends; gets a bit repetitive with the line ‘all I need are my best friends to feel right’ but not too shabby nonetheless.
Young Love is possibly one of the most catchiest songs on the album, it has the potential to be a decent radio track, the upbeat That’s My Friends also has the potential to be an overly popular hit. Refreshingly, Healed is a beautifully written and delivered track for the record, it captured a raw emotion in Stranter’s voice the album hadn’t quite mustered thus far; however, follow up Cherries On Ice wasn’t so entrancing. Free Booze is another radio friendly track bound to get your head nodding, same can be said about Vegas. The album comes to a close with Hands Up, yet another upbeat track but it is repetitive in parts and the sweary hook kind of lowers the par.
Semi Precious Weapons aimed to appeal to the mainstream music masses this time around, and they have managed to achieve this with songs that have memorable hooks and catchy melodies throughout Aviation. At times the layers of production seemed a little much, but fans won’t mind as they will be happy to see their favourite band back in action. Aviation could have potential to take SWP to new heights and broader horizons.