Album Review: Matt Corby – Telluric
2 min read
He’s emerged from his quiet time in the wilderness for his highly anticipated debut album, and Telluric is a far cry from his previous smash hit Brother. For his refreshed take on music, Matt Corby ditched what he once knew, to connect to something much deeper, and Telluric is the spiritual awakening of this soulful singer.
Introducing both the record and his rejuvenated voice, Belly Side Up draws you in with subtle, lingering synth and a smooth set of chords as the backdrop for Corby to serenade your senses with his raw vocals. Leading on with Monday, a sombre little relationship ditty, that also sounds like a hint towards Corby’s disappearance from music. As he croons hard, “I was never lost, I only chose to never go home” over an angelic harmony, highlighting the sincerity sung in his words.
And while at it’s core there are simple gems that work to just have Corby’s distinct vocals at the forefront, like Wrong Man there is much more on offer. With the utter grandeur of Knife Edge, as a resilient voice rings true above haunting keys, warbling, “I’m addicted and conflicted at my very core.” Or the psychedelic waves of funky bass and smooth lines, Sooth Lady Wine and Why Dream which add quite the intricate layers to the entire Telluric Sound.
Overall it’s quite the dynamic set on songs, with each one feeling natural and inspired, with their own voice. It’s bursting with a raw vibrancy, and an air of maturity that may not be realised on a first listen. These tunes need to be soaked up and felt in the moment to truly understand their pure brilliance. Telluric was worth the wait.