Writer and director Rebecca Miller deftly weaves her way around romantic comedy conventions and clichés…
Julianne Moore
Freeheld, starring Julianne Moore and Ellen Page, is a compelling story of love, death and…
Based on Joseph Delaney’s renowned novel The Spook’s Apprentice (The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch in…
This film should first and foremost come with a disclaimer, you will cry. There is…
The idea and perception of ‘Hollywood’, this idealistic, flawed beauty that makes and breaks dreams…
One of the biggest films of the year from one of the biggest franchises in…
Upon first glance of Non-Stop it would appear that Liam Neeson has walked straight off…
Stephen King’s iconic horror novel Carrie turns 40 years old next year. A horror staple…
To be honest, I don’t exactly rush out of the cinema after a movie to…