Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Renowned For Sound

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Single Review: Nathaniel – ‘You’re Beautiful’

1 min read

Former X Factor contestant Nathaniel Willemse wowed Australia with his first post-X Factor single You. The single hit number two on the australian itunes playlist, and achieved double platinum status. Nathaniel is an artist who oozes charisma and has effortless vocals; a combination which often equals hit songs. Will this be the case with his newest single?

Nathaniel-You'reBeautifulYou’re Beautiful is Nathaniel’s latest offering. It’s main feature is his signature falsetto, a difficult range for many male artists. However this is Nathaniel’s strong point, and he belts out the chorus in perfect pitch. The melody itself is a laid back, mid-tempo track with a sensual feel. It’s not a song that will get stuck in your head straight away; like You, it’s a song that over time you’ll find yourself singing, with no idea how it worked its way into your head. The only thing I very slightly dislike about this song is the lyrics of the chorus. “You’re beautiful” yeah sure, but “You’re rock and roll/rock and roll”? I’m not convinced on that one.

Nathaniel delivers another single full of charm and style with You’re Beautiful. The soulful pop track fits perfectly side by side with previous single You, and should tide fans over until the announcement of Nathaniel’s debut album.