Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

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Film Review – Deadpool

3 min read

Deadpool is the incredibly funny latest adaption of the Marvel Comics series of the same name. The film is refreshingly different to the by-the-book superhero films that are coming out of our ears at the moment.

Deadpool is the story of Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), an ex-special forces soldier who was dishonourably discharged and now uses his skills as a paid mercenary. He meets a beautiful woman, Vanessa Carlyle (Morena Baccarin), who shares his quick and dark humour. But when he is diagnosed with cancer in multiple organs, Wilson is forced to make some hard decisions about his life. A recruiter from a mysterious company tells Wilson they can cure his cancer and help him reach his potential. When Wilson agrees to the treatment, he is injected with a serum that unlocks hidden mutant D.N.A. But they failed to inform him the treatment would only work if his body is stressed to the point where he needs the gene to survive.

For months, Wilson is subjected to different methods of torture by Ajax (Ed Skiren) and Angel Dust (Gina Carano). Wilson’s mutant gene is finally activated when he is locked in an airtight tank and deprived of oxygen, which deforms his body, but cures his cancer. In the process, Wilson destroys the facility and is left for dead in the burning building. Unbeknown to Ajax, Wilson’s new mutant D.N.A. is regenerative and when he crawls out of the ashes of the building, Wilson decides to get back at Ajax for the torture, destroying his beautiful face, and taking away his chance of a normal life with Vanessa.

deadpool still 2

Deadpool is the perfect mix of light and dark. There is a humour peppered into every moment of the film; whether it be mid-cancer discovery or post sex. But it’s not just the jokes, it’s the references. At one point, the X-Men Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) are dragging Deadpool away from a mess he has made, telling him they are going to visit the Professor; Deadpool asks if it’s McAvoy or Stewart. Not a single scene passes where Deadpool doesn’t break the fourth wall with a reference, or a discussion with the audience, which is a welcomed nod to the original comic book series. Deadpool is famous for his sass and genuine distaste for everyone’s need to be a hero. He is the perfect anti-hero; self-motivated and unapologetic about his lust for revenge. Wilson is incredibly selfish and dark, and that’s what makes Deadpool such a breath of fresh air amongst the other Marvel films. He’s more relatable, for lack of a better word.

Ryan Reynolds is perfect as Deadpool; he hits every joke with comedic flare and his all round brilliant skills as an actor compliment the comedy in its slightly more serious moments. However, Ed Skiren feels a little weak as the films villain. It looks like he’s trying to be cunning and cruel, but isn’t quite pulling it off.

With a cast of mostly lesser-known actors, Deadpool manages to meet, if not exceed, the standards set by the best Marvel franchise films. However, the film was geared up to be full of graphic violence, but it almost lacks in this area. While Deadpool is a violent character and we see him decapitate people and slice them in half, it’s all done very quickly. I was expecting more rage, more blood, and more grit and gore that just wasn’t there.

Deadpool is brilliantly funny, with references to pop culture left, right, and centre. There is just enough good in Deadpool to make us love him, and just enough bad for the audience to understand he’s not trying to be a hero. With Reynolds at the helm, the Deadpool franchise is destined to be successful – except it’s actually the next instalment of the already successful X-Men franchise. Despite a few minor flaws, Deadpool is brilliant, engaging and downright hilarious.