Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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EP Review: Eves The Behavior – Eves The Behavior

2 min read

Eves The Behavior is that very rare beast; a debut EP that feels less like an artistic warm up and more like a fully-fledged work in its own right. Intoxicating and intelligent, it’s a stunning piece, one that mines the overlap between cool artistry and unchecked emotions with stunningly effective results.

Eves The Behavior - Eves The BehaviorIndeed, the genius of the work lies in the interplay between its sleekness and the darkness that criss-crosses its surface like veins in marble. TV sees Eves (a.k.a. Hannah Karydas) tackle our image sick culture with a stunningly clinical gaze, revealing a keen lyrical eye in the process. Just as importantly, Karydas knows how to fashion melodies that stick like barbs, with Electrical’s soaring chorus proving to be a hook in every sense of the word.

Nonetheless it is Digging that emerges as the true masterwork of the piece. Throughout the track’s three minute and twenty seconds, Karydas reveals herself to be a true genius when it comes to tonal mashup, controlling the fluctuating emotions of the piece with a stunningly cool hand. The thing twists from hysterical sweetness to anxiety drenched beauty and then back again, barely staying still for a moment.

Eves The Behaviour is a myriad of things at once then. It’s an exploration of the human voice in an increasingly inhuman world. It’s a stunningly controlled series of electro pop bridges. It’s troubled, and troubling, and beautiful. And, as much as all of those things, it is a bold announcement by an artist already shaping up to be one of the most exciting we have seen for some time.