Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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Album Review: The Libertines – Anthems For Doomed Youth

2 min read

It’s remarkable how The Libertines have made a huge name for themselves, they have only previously released two studio albums and their last effort was eleven years ago! The group have had their ups and spectacular downs, most infamously with lead songwriter/vocalist/guitarist Pete Doherty’s very public drug addictions and turmoil between fellow members of the band. It’s hard to tell where the road will lead the group next, but right now the focus is on their third and comeback studio album Anthem For Doomed Youth. Has it been too long for The Libertines to remain relevant in Brit-rock as they were over a decade ago? Only hearing their new material will tell.

The Libertines - Anthems For Doomed YouthAfter eleven years there’s a lot of ground for the group to cover, as expected they continue to write in their punk/Brit-rock style, the very sound that kicked off their career back in 2002. Lead single Gunga Din has that captivating guitar riff and killer chorus to reel you in, definitely a worthy single choice. If you’re looking for something a little more toned down, you can count on tracks like title track Anthem For Doomed Youth and You’re My Waterloo, it’s tracks like those that make the overall listen of the album all the more tolerable. If you were feeling a little bit tired of the vocal slurs delivering the lyrics, Fury of Chonburi is one of those upbeat tracks the group could rock out to comprehensibly. The album eerily closes on Dead For Love, which has a haunting atmosphere in its verses created by the piano and vocals.

If you are a diehard fan of The Libertines, we’re sure your prayers for a reunion and new album have been answered. Anthems For Doomed Youth isn’t what you would call a fantastical stand-out release though, the overall theme drags after a little while and the vocals aren’t changed up enough to really keep you overly intrigued. Eleven years from releasing their last studio album hasn’t really changed much of their style, which can be a blessing in disguise for some groups whose particular fan bases don’t adapt to change. Fans can welcome back The Libertines with open arms and can expect to be treated to the same sound, it’s like the group never left.