Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Renowned For Sound

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Album Review: Lonely The Brave – Things Will Matter

2 min read
photo: Prescription PR

Things Will Matter is the second studio album from Cambridge rockers Lonely The Brave, and sees them focusing their creative energy like never before. The Biffy Clyro effect works to their advantage, amping their sound up to its full potential.

First things first though, Wait In The Car is about as pedestrian as waiting in your mum’s car whilst she nips into a shop for what she swears is just a few bits. Quickly though, we are transported to Black Mire which is the first indication of the ruckus to come. Bolshy yet measured, there is a calmness to the chaos that is evocative of a band teetering on the edge of the big time.

Rattlesnakes may not be the ode to Snakes On A Plane we were hoping for, but it’s better! Lead singer David Jakes cues up the track with long drawn out syllables ready to blow the roofs off stadiums the world over. For all it’s seriousness, there is light amongst the dark with even tracks called Play Dead proving to be a joyful experience.

Try not to feel let down by Jaws of Hell as I can confirm it contains no references to man eating shark movies (sadly). What it does contain though are naturally powerful riffs that back Jakes’ voice perfectly. It’s a rawer moment of fragility, hiding behind less screaming and being a more frank vocal approach. Lonely The Brave occupy an interesting middle ground at present, showing they have what it takes whilst also keeping their aces to themselves for just that little bit longer.

There is a lot of potential here for Lonely The Brave, two albums in and they are proving themselves to be real contenders for greatness. But for all of the praise I have given, I can’t help demanding even more from them – the choruses are big; but are they big enough? In all honesty: no. They could do with some extra injections of passion, the blood, sweat and tears needs to be present on every chord if you’re going to play at being semi-emotional rock gods.